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Category Archives: John’s Genealogy
John Pack Genealogy
You can now open up John Pack’s genealogy in PAF using our John Pack Gedcom File (Right-click with your mouse on this text and select “Save Linked File As…” from the popup menu).
We now have hundreds of photos of John Pack and his descendants in our JPFA Photo Album. You can view the photos, add your comments to help identify or add information about them, or submit your own photo from a digital camera or scanner.
Please see the donate page for more ways you can help with genealogy, photos, documents, or cash donations.
We now have over 1,000 pages of John Pack’s progenitor genealogy online. Click on the links below to see what genealogy we have and what is missing.
You can also view the “Pack” genealogy forum on, or contact Kathleen P. Skinner, John Pack Family Association Genealogist, with your genealogy question.